Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Are We Willing To? - Today's Devotional

Reading; Acts 9:1-19

A praise and worship band, Shaded Red was in their music tour when they got into an accident in January 1988. Their car was crashed after they hit an ice chunk. The drummer, Chris Yoeman, died at the scene while the guitarist, Jon Roberts, seriously injured; his pelvis was severely broken. " I was not able to play guitar for about three months. I was really in pain and feeling guilty," Roberts recalled. Five months after the accident, Shaded Red continued to do their music " The accident gave us a deeper understanding, " said Jamie Roberts, one of the band members which is also Jon's relative. " When we are talking about hope in Christ, that God is way bigger than your problem, it is not just a mere statement. It is our experience."

On the way to Damascus, God declared Himself to Saul in a form of blinding light. He immediately collapsed. Was he fully crashed at that time? The answer is yes and no. He was crushed, literally and figuratively. His pride and confidence were scattered. However, his life did not fall to pieces nor in a mess after that. Even God changed his life and he became the most influencing church leader; a person according to God's will.

When God allows us to fall, do not fight Him back. Do not be disappointed, as He can use the broken pieces to form a new person, teach us to be humble, be a person who knows Him more than before.

My Thought

I was quite surprise when I saw book of Acts in the devotion, as the same verse was discussed yesterday on my last session of COB (Class of Believer) held by JPCC. In the class, however, the verses were interpreted differently. The devotion likened the fallen of Saul when God came to him as a bad situation but Jesus used him afterwards while Ps Jose Carol, the class' lecturer, explained from the verses how Saul met God personally and the after effect. 

I was actually confused why the writer interpret the fallen of Saul as a bad situation. Nonetheless, I somehow can connect the two interpretation, both from the devotional and the class, on my second reading, especially the statement of Saul's pride and confidence was broken or I might say they had to be broken. 

The fallen of Saul was actually the effect of overwhelming and powerful Holy Spirit took over his physical body. But, in order to Holy Spirit to take over his life, well, our life, it is needed to left out the self-pride and self-confidence that he (we) always holding on to. The question is, are we willing to? Thank God, Saul did the right thing. However, the journey did not stop there, Saul had to go through many trials and rejection prior to becoming the most influence church leader. I could not imagine how many times he has to fall and suffer. 

It is the same idea with what the writer explained. When God allows a bad situation happen to us, we lose our self-confidence or we need to lose it and depend on Him instead. He uses the situation to declare Himself and let us to put our faith in Him. We need to let our guard and ego down and let the Holy Spirit guide us anywhere and anytime. We will be transformed and be a better person according to His plan, which is to prosper and not to harm us (Jeremiah 29:11). 

My Situation

There are still plenty of rooms for me to know Him more, figuring out His passion and vision for me. I am still trying to not skipping my daily bread, prayers and quiet time with Him.

I am thankful to hear other opinions and comments.

This devotional was translated from my daily devotional; a bible app (Alkitabku - My Bible) which can be downloaded for free on GooglePlay or access their website from pc or mobile devices.

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